Mushrooms Everywhere!

Mushrooms Everywhere!

Feeling captive to the Coronavirus? Well, you are not alone… well actually you might be, since so many people are self-quarantining. That doesn’t mean you have to miss out on any fun activities though! It has been really impressive to see the lengths various cultural and educational institutions have gone to in order to keep cabin fever at bay.

Today I’d like to point out some offerings from the Gene Siskel Film Center. More than any other cinema-related institution in Chicago, the Gene Siskel Film Center provides a wide array of very well curated films and film study opportunities. If you are a true Moviegoer, the Gene Siskel Film Center should definitely be part of your world.  They have stepped up their game during these troubled times and are streaming films with director commentary and question and answer sessions.

This is super cool.

Follow this link to an April 21st stream of Fantastic Fungi, a critically acclaimed documentary about the lowly mushroom and it’s apparent omnipotence!

Check back here for more posts about fun things to do while the nation is (and should be!) on lockdown.
