Chinese New Year and Coronavirus

Chinese New Year and Coronavirus

Last weekend was the Chinese New Year’s parade here in China. It was a warm, sunny day… the kind of rare February day that reminds you how marvelous spring will be when (if?) it finally gets here. The parade was poorly attended though, I am guessing it was a sign of people’s fear of catching the Coronavirus, which (you already know) is wrecking havoc right now in China. Lots of people look forward to that parade, and it has grown into a semi-major event here in Chicago, but this year, it was pretty flat.

That really sucks.

China is a huge country, and it is depressing to watch it come to a standstill, during what is by far the most popular national holiday. China is also a fantastic travel destination, and one of my favorite places to travel. I was last there for a fun but rushed week in 2018, and I had planned to go back again this spring. Now, who knows though?

So, to all the fantastic Chinese people – and the Aussies, Koreans, Nigerians, Brits, and other foreigners who are toughing it out there – good luck and I hope for a speedy resolution to a messy situation!
