Parade Day Rain

Parade Day Rain

First, let me give credit for the title (and the inspiration) to Chicago artist Hebru Brantley. I was lucky enough to stumble across his work one day at the Chicago Cultural Center and wow is it impressive! Anyway, I borrowed the title for today’s post.

Rain doesn’t really suck until it spoils our plans. Wish I could wish this rain several hours west of here, it is really needed on the coast! Ah well. Much like the heroic characters Hebru Brantley creates, I’ll go deep within the recesses of my mind today, not worrying so much about the cancelled tour but more focused on imagination and the places we’ve been to before. What a year it’s been! Well, if you can squeeze in some travel between now and winter, you certainly deserve it… wash some of the stress away!

Photos are of tour travel and a few from my own private stash.
